Piano Student Videos
Here is a selection of videos from some of my piano students who are all at different stages in the learning process. Some students like to sit digital piano exams to gain qualifications, whereas others simply want to learn for fun.
For students, creating recordings of their performances can serve as an effective method to monitor their progress and personal achievements.
You can read about some of my students below and listen to them playing pieces they have learned, either for digital exams or enjoyment.

Lili passed her Grade 2 Trinity College digital piano exam last year with Distinction, and she is preparing to sit her Grade 3 exam.
Here are the three exam pieces Lili chose to play for her Grade 2 digital piano exam. They are 'The Rowboat' by Felicitas Kukuck, a jazz piece called 'Bendin' The Rules' by Ben Crosland, and 'Rigaudon' by Georg Philipp Telemann which is in a Baroque style.
Kelly sat her Grade 1 digital piano exam and passed with Distinction. She is now preparing for Grade 2.
She enjoys playing a variety of pieces in different styles, in particular 'Moonlight Sonata' and "Fur Elise' by Beethoven, and jazz and ragtime. She is currently learning 'The Entertainer' by Scott Joplin.
Here is a video of Kelly playing her three exam pieces. They are 'Donkey Trot' by Dulcie Holland, 'Walking Together by Christopher Norton', and a ragtime-style piece called 'Space Walk Rag' by Phillip Hawthorn and Anya Suschitzky.
Macy is preparing to sit her Grade 3 piano exam. She enjoys playing various styles of music, in particular jazz and chart songs, and she likes learning songs from YouTube tutorials which she performs for me during her lessons. It has been wonderful to see how much she has progressed with her playing, becoming a confident, accomplished pianist and musician, and even performing piano solos during school assemblies.
Here are videos of Macy playing two of her Grade 1 piano exam pieces - 'Enchanted Garden', and a jazz piece called 'Hand In Hand'.
Ellie achieved an excellent result of Distinction when she sat her Initial Grade digital piano exam last year. She is now studying for her Grade 1 exam. She enjoys playing all styles of music, from jazz to well-known songs such as 'Mamma Mia'.
Here are some videos of Ellie performing three of her Initial Grade exam pieces: 'Allegro' by Alexander Reinagle, 'Conversation' by Nathalie Bera-Tagrine, and 'Canon' by Henk Badings.
Imogen sat her Initial Grade piano exam via digital video submission and passed with Distinction. She recently played her three exam pieces at her school leavers' concert on stage, and is working towards Grade 1. She enjoys playing pieces from her 'Big Pop Songbook', and the 'Me and My Piano' series by Fanny Waterman and Marion Harewood.
Here is Imogen playing three of her exam pieces - Old German Dance, March Time, and Boogie.
Playing the piano is the perfect relaxing activity for rainy afternoons, and you can hear the rain falling in this video for 'Old German Dance' video which gives it a lovely ambience!
Erin passed her Grade 2 piano exam last year with Distinction and she is now in the process of learning Grade 3 pieces. She particularly likes playing jazz and boogie-woogie, and she also enjoys singing.
Here are some videos of Erin performing two of her Grade 2 exam pieces: 'Persian Holiday' by Sam Cleaver, and 'Shepherd's Melody' by Rainer Mohrs.
Will passed both his Initial Grade and Grade 1 piano exams with Distinction, and he is now preparing for Grade 3.
For his Initial Grade, one of the pieces he performed was a jazz-style piece called 'Boogie' by Karin Daxbock. For his Grade 1, one of the pieces he particularly enjoys playing is 'Pirate Stomp' by Naomi Yandell.
Here are three videos of Will playing 'Boogie', 'Pirate Stomp', and 'Walking in the Air' from The Snowman.
Alexa enjoys playing pieces in different styles, such as music by Beethoven, and songs from movie soundtracks like 'My Heart Will Go On' and 'He's A Pirate' from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Here are two videos of Alexa performing some Initial Grade exam pieces: 'Into The Distance' by Peter Wild, and 'Boogie' by Karin Daxbock. She has recently started learning pieces from the Grade 3 syllabus.
Esme is preparing to sit her Grade 1 piano exam. She particularly enjoys playing jazz pieces from 'Jazzin' About' and a selection of songs from her 'Big Pop Songbook'. She is currently learning the ragtime classic 'Maple Leaf Rag' by Scott Joplin, and 'Cups' from Pitch Perfect.
Here is a video of Esme playing an Initial Grade exam piece called 'Muay Thai (The Boxing Star)' by Mintra Thuntawech.
More Videos
Trinity Exam Pieces, Jazz, Christmas, Movie Soundtrack & Popular Songs
Here are more videos of students playing pieces they have enjoyed working on, ranging in different styles and genres including Jazz, Classical, Christmas, Disney, Movie Soundtracks, and Popular/Chart Hits.
'Nuvole Bianche' (Ludovico Einaudi)
'Rocky & Son' (Rocky 4)
'River Flows In You' (Yiruma)
'Moonlight Sonata' (Beethoven)
'Sunrise on the Matterhorn' (Catherine Rollin) - Grade 3 Trinity Piano Exam
'Bendin' The Rules' (Ben Crosland) - Grade 2 Trinity Piano Exam
'Enchanted Garden' (Kirsten Strecke) - Grade 1 Trinity Piano Exam
'Waltz in A Minor' (Chopin)
'Persian Holiday' (Sam Cleaver) - Grade 2 Trinity Piano Exam
'Minuet' (Alexander Reinagle) - Grade 1 Trinity Piano Exam
'Tango Passionis' (Barbara Arens) - Grade 4 Trinity Piano Exam
'Washing-Up Blues' (Pam Wedgwood) - Jazzin' About
'Walking In The Air' (The Snowman) - Christmas Piano Instrumental
'Waltz Mystique' (Ray Moore) - Grade 4 Trinity Piano Exam
Shepherd's Melody - Grade 2 Trinity Piano (Rainer Mohrs)